Monday, October 12, 2009

So far so good

I am SO happy here at my foster home. My foster family loves me so much. I am still a little scared of the stairs but they are being patient with me. Sometimes my Foster Mom just pushes me from behind and I go on down. Usually it is for food or to go outside so I don't mind so much. There are a bunch of kitties around here and they are cute too. They want to play sometimes and I give them kisses. There is a dog called a Pug too, but she does not look like a dog to me. She is funny looking and likes to sleep on the dog bed with me. I give my people kisses too and they let me!!! The best part is there is a boy named Sam that lives with me. He is so much fun and likes to hug me and lay on the floor with me. I love it when he hugs me and was never scared of him or anything. I kiss him alot on the face and all. He laughs when I do it.

I have not had any accidents in the house. I eat in my crate and go in there sometimes to take a nap. But usually I sleep on the my dog bed. After the first night here, I started sleeping next to my Mom on the floor by her bed. I don't wake anyone up until morning.

They keep saying what a good dog I am, but I am just doing what I know I need to do to keep this great gig going. I am no dummy!!


GreytGold said...


It sounds like it won't be long before you find your forever home!

Poole's Pack